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    序号 中文题名 作者 会议名称 出版时间 资源所属 相关数据库 原文
    81 Grazing management affects soil phosphorus and potassium levels. Gerrish, J.R. Peterson, P.R. B 1995 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    82 Missouri workshops effectively provide grazing management information to livestock producers and educators. Gerrish, J. Morrow, R. Roberts 1995 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    83 Continuous intensive grazing management of bahiagrass pastures for cows and calves. Williams, M.J. Hamond, A.C. 1996 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    84 Vertical integration in the beef industry: implications for grazing management and research. Bransby, D.I. Taylor, C.R. 1997 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    85 Forage distribution of cool-season pastures as affected by legumes and grazing management. Cuomo, G.J. Johnson, D.G. Forc 1997 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    86 Insects and other arthropods of economic importance in Indiana during 1981 Grains, forage legumes, ornamental and fruit trees, humans and animals. Meyer, R.W. 1981 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    87 The current status of classical biological control efforts against exotic rangeland weed pests in Wyoming. Kazmer, D.J. Rogers, K. Baker, 1997 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    88 Cattle and forage production in a 1-year-old slash pine-bahiagrass silvopasture. Kalmbacher, R.S. Ezenwa, I.V. 2005 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    89 Noxious & invasive rangeland weeds, a rancher's perspective. Zimmerman, K. 1998 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    90 Transline herbicide in rangeland and wildlife habitat restoration. Carrithers, V.F. 1998 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    91 Impacts of yellow starthistle density on the soil moisture profile and rangeland management. Benefield, C.B. DiTomaso, J.M. 1998 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    92 The influence of various control methods on diffuse knapweed on Colorado rangeland. Sebastian, J.R. Beck, K.G. Hal 1999 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    93 ATTRA grazing management project--sustainable grazing systems. Morrow, R. 2001 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    94 Fungal endophytes of forage grasses. Cole, G.T. White, J.F. 1985 Apr/May 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    95 Effect of seeding rate on establishment and forage production of Tifton 9 bahiagrass. Stanley, R.L. Jr. 1990 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    96 Estimating yields and forage N for bahiagrass production in Florida. Overman, A.R. Blue, W.G. 1990 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    97 Evaluation of Desmodium barbatum (L.) Benth., a tropical forage legume. Kretschmer, A.E. Jr. Bullock, 1990 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    98 New forage options for western Canada. Acharya, S.N. 2006 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    99 Integrated strategies for the attrition of yellow starthistle on Northern California rangeland. Enloe, S.F. DiTomaso, J. Orlof 2000 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
    100 Forage legumes and pasture development in Nigeria. Agishi, E.C. 1985 国内外草原与草地信息资源数据库
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